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3:21Introduction to Building in Perspective
5:16Getting Started
7:23Gateway Configurations
6:08Setting up Designer and Project
13:15Creating Tags
Getting Started
In this lesson, we'll cover the commissioning process and discover how to access our Ignition Gateway.
Download Ignition
Inductive University Lesson: Installing Ignition
(open in window)[00:00] Welcome back. We're ready to start building here. The first thing you'll need as well, you'll need a copy of Ignition. If you haven't installed Ignition before you can go to our website, you can go to You can go to our downloads page, and you can check out the other OS versions here. And you'll see a big old list of different installers that you can grab here, including zip file installations. So kind of your choice here if you wanted to use a graphical installer, or if you wanted to use the zip files here. The zip files do you have a "read me" inside of them that sort of walk you through the process of installing. So just choose whichever you prefer. If you've never installed Ignition before, we do actually have some additional videos to help you out on Inductive University here under the courses section, or whatever this website ends up looking like in the future. Under ignition overview, we do have a couple of installation videos here, so you can kind of check those out and familiarize yourself, but the installation process is fairly painless.
[01:05] Now, I did want to say for this video series here, I'm going to be using Ignition version 8.1.1. So you want to use at least this version. If you use something older, there's a good chance that you'll be missing out on some feature that I'll be showing off in this series here, which could cause you some problems. If you use a future version, that should be fine. I don't necessarily know when you're going to be watching this, so there may be some new options, new features, new components, things like that, but you should still be able to follow along with the core of what we're teaching here. Now, regardless of how you get the installer and run it, at a certain point, you'll actually run into this commissioning step here. And this step here is actually covered in those Inductive University videos I pointed out, but I wanted to include this step here in this video, because this is sort of our first choice. So we actually get to pick which addition we want to use for this series. Now, I'm going to be using the standard Ignition or the standard edition, the one at the center here, but technically you should be able to use "Maker" for this as well.
[02:04] We're going to be focusing pretty heavily on Perspective, which is included in Maker, and the things like the historian system that we're going to be using are also included in Maker. So that is absolutely an option. You could also use Edge in theory, although technically because of how Edge works, there's some configuration changes you'd have to use, and there isn't really a benefit to using it in this case. So I wouldn't necessarily recommend Edge for this series but you could use it if you want it to. So up to you, you can use Maker, or you can use the standard edition. I'll go ahead and click on Ignition here. We do have our EULA, go ahead and read through it. I've done this a hundred times, so I'm just going to go ahead and skip right over it. And you'll want to go ahead and create an initial user here. Now, this user is important, if you haven't used Ignition before, this is basically sort of the initial user that will allow us to sort of sign in to all of the different sort of scopes and spaces within Ignition. So, go ahead and type in a username and a password, preferably things that you'll remember. And then once you're done, go ahead and click the next button in the lower right hand corner.
[03:03] I'll use the default parts. I'll go ahead and start the gateway. Now, I'm going to fast forward through this part here so you don't have to wait for me. Once it's finished, you should see a page that looks like this. So now we're looking at our gateway's web interface, which is sort of our front end to the server side portion of Ignition. And in the middle of the screen here, we have this pop-up that's asking us if we want to enable Quick Start. Quick Start is basically a bunch of predefined configurations that we can make to this Ignition gateway, such as adding like a sample project and some other sort of sample configurations that are sort of designed for folks that are new to the software, and it gives you more things to kind of explore on your own time. Now, I'm not going to be using the Quick Start features here, but if you are new, I do advise that you actually click "yes" here, just so it creates those additional resources so you can explore later on. Now, if you said no to this prompt already or you don't have the resources, that's okay. We're not actually going to as a part of this series, we're not going to use any of the configurations or resources that are provided by Quick Start.
[04:06] So I am going to hit "yes" here, but it's okay if you hit "no", you're not going to be missing out on anything because we'll be creating our own resources for this project anyways. You'll need to make sure you're signed in with those credentials that we created earlier. So I'll click login, go ahead and type in your credentials, and it should go through the process of creating those configurations. All right, if you're completely new to Ignition, now would be a good time to actually bookmark this page here. Basically we can make a lot of sort of server side configurations here that then our runtime applications can use. That also means we'll need to come back here on occasion. Now, because I'm using the standard Ignition version here, I don't have a license applied, so we're running in the trial mode here. It's just a two hour trial. Again, if you've never used this before, once this runs out, you can actually restart. There will be a little restart button that will appear. Go ahead and just click that. And you can do that an unlimited number of times. So, but there you are. Now you have your own little Ignition system installed. In the next video here, we'll go ahead and take a look at making some configurations to our gateway here.